Presentations and abstracts


Publications || Published Reports || Presentations and abstracts


Layne, C.S., Ali, S., Anez, M., O’Connor, D.P., Lee, R.E.  Assessing physical activity among Hispanics. Texas Obesity Research Center Biennial Conference, Houston, TX, November, 2012. 

Layne C.S., Gorniak, S.L, Paloski, W.H., O’Connor, D.P., Pourmoghaddam, A, The effects of levodopa intake on lower limb EMG during treadmill walking in individuals with Parkinson’s disease.  Annual meeting of Society for  Neuroscience.  New Orleans, LA, October, 2012.

Pourmoghaddam, A.,Gorniak, S.L., O’Connor, D.P., Paloski, W.H., Layne, C.S.  Generalizability of SYNERGOS index for quantifying multiple muscle activation.  Annual meeting of Society for Neuroscience.  New Orleans, LA, October, 2012.

Forrest, A., Pourmoghaddam, A., Layne, C.S.  Attention and adaptation of young boys to split belt locomotion. Annual meeting of Society for  Neuroscience.  New Orleans, LA, October, 2012.

Gorniak, S.L,  Pourmoghaddam, A., Paloski, W.H, O’Connor, D.P., Layne, C.S.  SYNERGOS Index for quantifying multiple muscle activation in squat movements.   Annual meeting of Society for  Neuroscience.  New Orleans, LA, October, 2012.

Layne, C.S.  Altered Proprioception has minimal impact during adaptation to split-belt walking.  HHP Faculty Research Day. 2012.

Layne, CS, Boutte, T, Clarke, MSF, Paloski, WH.  Graduate Student in Space Life Sciences at the University of Houston. Next-Generation Suborbital Researchers Conference 2012, Palo Alto, CA, February, 2012.

Layne, C.S., Forrest, A.M., Pourmoghaddam, A., Nguy, S., O’Connor, D.P.  Does Tendon Vibration Alter Adaptation During Split Belt Locomotion?  Annual meeting of Society for Neuroscience.  Washington D.C. November, 2011.

Uzun, S., Pourmoghaddam, A., Ghabshi, H.S., Hieronymus, M., Layne, C.S., Thrasher, T.A. Evaluation of muscle fatigue and endurance of wheelchair basketball players with spinal cord injury using recurrence quantification analysis of surface EMG.  Annual meeting of Society for Neuroscience.  Washington D.C. November, 2011.

Layne C. S. Paloski W. P. Kitmacher G. H. Clarke M. S. F.  Workforce Development for Human Space Flight — The Masters of Science Degree in Human Space Exploration Sciences at the University of Houston. The International Academy of Astronautics 18th Humans in Space Symposium. Houston, TX, April, 2011
Ogborn, A., Layne, C.S.  Avatar movement analysis:  A new tool For understanding student behavior in self paced interactive virtual learning experiences. 2011 Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education, March, 2011.

Layne, C.S. and Weintraub, R. Maintaining relevance while transitioning from a teacher preparation program to a comprehensive human performance program.  American Kinesiology Association Leadership Workshop – “Managing Growth While Maintaining Discipline Focus”  Dallas, TX, January, 2011.

Pourmoghaddam A., Dettmer, M., Paloski, W.H., O'Connor, D.P., Patel, J. Khorram, A., Lopez-Tafurth, Y, Layne, C.S. Synergos index, identifying multiple muscle coactivation during isotonic exercise. Annual meeting of Society of Neuroscience, San Diego, CA, November, 2010

Dettmer, M., Pourmoghaddam, A. Layne, C.S., Effects of healthy aging on motor lateralization: A functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) study. Annual meeting of Society of Neuroscience, San Diego, CA, November, 2010

Houser, JJ, O'Connor, DP, Layne, CS. Enhanced cutaneous sensation mitigates vibration induced sway. Annual meeting of Society of Neuroscience, Chicago, IL, October, 2009

Dettmer, M., Layne, CS, O'Connor, DP, Pourmoghaddam, A. Influence of tendon vibration on the center of pressure sway regularity during a postural learning task. Annual meeting of Society of Neuroscience, Chicago, IL, October, 2009

Pourmoghaddam, A, O'Connor, DP, Paloski, WH, Dettmer, M, Layne, CS. Sunergos a clinical index for identifying multiple muscle coactivation. Annual meeting of Society of Neuroscience, Chicago, IL, October, 2009.

Layne, C.S., Pouroghaddam, A., Arellano, C.J., Dettmer, M., Kurz, M.J. Lower Limb Neuromuscular Activation during Treadmill Walking is Moderately Affected by Anti-Parkinson Drugs. Annual meeting of Society of Neuroscience, Washington D.C., November, 2008.

Pouroghaddam, A., Kurz, M.J., Arellano, C.J., Dettmer, M., Layne, C.S. Identifying Changes in Muscle Synergies in Individuals with Parkinson's Disease during Treadmill Walking Using a New Analysis Method. Annual meeting of Society of Neuroscience, Washington D.C., November, 2008.

Pourmoghaddam A, Kurz MJ, Arellano CJ, Dettmer M, O'Connor DP, Layne CS. The Effect of L-DOPA Administration on Changes in Muscle Synergies in Individuals with Parkinson's Disease During Treadmill Walking, National Human Performance Center 2008 Annual Meeting; November 7, 2008; Houston, TX.

Dettmer M, Pourmoghaddam A, O'Connor DP, Layne CS. Adaptation to Muscle Tendon Vibration Under Different Surface Conditions in a Postural Task, National Human Performance Center 2008 Annual Meeting; November 7, 2008; Houston, TX.

Scott-Pandorf, M., O'Connor, D.P, Layne, C.S., Kurz, M.J. Locomotion Stability in Simulated Martian Gravity: Insights on the Influence of Load Location North American Congress on Biomechanics Annual meeting, Ann Arbor, MI. August, 2008

Arellano, C.J, O'Connor, D.P, Scott-Pandorf, M., Layne, C.S., Kurz, M.J. Increased Inertial Forces Reduces Locomotive Stability. North American Congress on Biomechanics Annual meeting, Ann Arbor, MI. August, 2008

Layne, C.S. and Korman, S. Center for Wellness Without Borders. Annual meeting of the American Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHEPHRD) Ft. Worth, TX. April, 2008

Layne, C.S., Kurz, M.J, Pourmghaddam, A., Dettmer, A., Hickerson, A.  Parkinsonian Gait:  Neuromuscular Adaptations to Increasing Speed.  Annual meeting of Society of Neuroscience, San Diego, CA, November, 2007.

Pourmghaddam, A., Layne, C.S., Kurz, M.J,., Dettmer, A., Hickerson, A.  Lower Limb Neuromuscular Cocontraction during Treadmill Locomotion.  Annual meeting of Society of Neuroscience, San Diego, CA, November, 2007.

Arellano, C., Layne, C.S., O’Connor, D.P., Scott-Pandorf, M., Kurz, M.J.  Does Weight Influence Locomotive Stability.  American Society of Biomechanics, Palo Alto, CA, August, 2007.

Layne, C.S., Nguyen, K., Forth, K.E. Muscle contractions in response to foot stimulation as an inflight countermeasure.  International Academy of Astronautics 16th Humans in Space Symposium, Beijing, China, May, 2007.

Clarke, M.S.F., Kyparos, A., Layne, C.S, Martinez, D., and Feeback, D.L.  Dynamic Foot Pressure (DFS) As an Unloading-Induced Muscle Atrophy Countermeasure. 16th IAA Humans in Space Symposium, Bejing, China, May 2007. 

Haran, F.J and Layne, C.S.  The Length of a Vibration Posturography Training Session Influences Postural Control in a Linear Manner.  Northeast American Society of Biomechanics Conference, College Park, Maryland, March, 2007.

James, E. and Layne, C.S.  The Relationship Between Structural Complexity, Variability and Focus of Attention in Rhythmic Bimanual Movements.  Sigma Xi Research Day, March, 2006.

Forth, K.E. and Layne, C.S.  “Neuromuscular Response to Context-Specific Foot Stimulation”.
Annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Washington D.C., November, 2005.

Kyparos, A., Feeback, D.L., Layne, C.S., Martinez, D.A., Clarke, M.S.F.  “Dynamic foot stimulation as a potential countermeasure to muscle atrophy”.  4th Symposium of Aerospace Medicine and Space Research.
Oinouses, Chios (Greece), September, 2005.

Motamarri, S., Barbieri, E., and Layne, C.S. “Prototype Expert-based Variable Resistance/Assistance Exercise Machine”. Sigma Xi Research Day, March, 2005.

Forth, K.E. and Layne, C.S.  “The Neuromuscular Response to Context-Specific Foot Stimulation” - The Houston Society for Engineering in Medicine and Biology, The 22nd Annual Houston Conference on Biomedical Engineering Research, February, 2005.

James, E., Banda, J., and Layne, C.S.  “The Time Course of Recovery from Whole-body Vibration Induced Postural Sway.”  The Houston Society for Engineering in Medicine and Biology, The 22nd Annual Houston Conference on Biomedical Engineering Research, February, 2005.

Abercromby, A.F.J., Arellano, C., Neptune, R.R., Ambrose, C.A., and Layne, C.S.   “Inverse Dynamics Gait Analysis Using Optoelectronic and Digitized Virtual Markers.”  The Houston Society for Engineering in Medicine and Biology, The 22nd Annual Houston Conference on Biomedical Engineering Research, February, 2005.

Nguyen, K.T., and Layne, C.S.  “Identifying Neuromuscular Inhibition in the Human Lower Leg Using Mechanical Stimulation to the Foot.”  The Houston Society for Engineering in Medicine and Biology, The 22nd Annual Houston Conference on Biomedical Engineering Research, February, 2005. – This poster received a “runner up” award in the Student Poster Competition. Only 4 of 77 posters were “recognized”.

Edwards L. and Layne, C.S.  “Active Regeneration (AR) Program for Individualized Paralyzed Due to Spinal Cord Injury.”  The Houston Society for Engineering in Medicine and Biology, The 22nd Annual Houston Conference on Biomedical Engineering Research, February, 2005.

Kennedy, T.F, JA Bush, MSF Clarke, CS Layne, SM Smith, and AS Jackson.  Response of bone markers and ground reaction forces to acute impact landings. The Integrative Biology of Exercise, APS Intersociety Meeting, Austin, TX, 2004.

Forth, K.E. and Layne, C.S.   Spatial and temporal mechanical foot stimulation parameters influence neuromuscular responses in the lower limbs. Sigma Xi Student Research Day, University of Houston, April. 2004

Layne, C.S. Budget Crunches and the Future: The Need for Strategic Planning - Texas Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (TAHPERD) - Galveston, TX, December, 2003

Layne, C.S., Forth, K.E., Abercromby, A.F.  Using Patterned Stimuli and Varied Muscle Spindle Input to Modify Neuromuscular Reflexes.  Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, LA, November, 2003.

Layne, C.S., Forth, K.E., Abercromby, A.F., Kyparos, A., Clarke, M.S.F., Feeback, D.L.  Proprioceptive and Muscle Maintenance for the Injured Athlete.  To be presented - VIIth IOC Olympic World Congress on Sports Sciences, Athens, Greece, October 2003.

Kyparos, A., Layne, C.S., Feeback, D.L., Martinez, D.A., Clarke, M.S.F.  Foot Pressure my Preserve Neuromuscular Function on the Injured Athlete: Preliminary Results from a Rat Model.  To be presented - VIIth IOC Olympic World Congress on Sports Sciences, Athens, Greece, October 2003.

Layne, C.S., Forth, K.E., Abercromby, A.F.  Spatial Factors Influence the Generation of Neuromuscular Responses to Foot Stimulation.  14th Humansin Space Conference, Banff, Alberta, Canada , May, 2003.

Layne, C.S., Forth, K.E., Abercromby, A.F.  Does Varying Muscle Spindle Input Modify Neuromuscular Responses to Foot Stimulation?  14th Humans in Space Conference, Banff, Alberta, Canada , May, 2003.

Kyparos, A., Layne, C.S., Feeback, D.L., Martinez, D.A., Clarke, M.S.F.  Dynamic Foot   Pressure Attenates Myofiber Atrophy Induced by Mechanical Unloading.  14th Humans in Space Conference, Banff, Alberta, Canada , May, 2003.

Layne, C.S., Mulavara, A.P., Bloomberg, J.J., Forth, K.E., Baxter, M.F., Houser, J.J., Kozlovskaya, I.B.,  Using Dynamic Foot Stimulation During Space Flight as a Countermeasure to Muscle Degradation.  24th Annual International Conference of the IEEE/EMBS (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. and Engineering in Medicine and Biology and Annual  Fall Meeting of the BMES (Biomedical Engineering Society), Houston, TX, October, 2002,  invited paper.

Layne, C.S., Mulavara, A.P., McDonald, P.V., Pruett, C.J., Kozlovskaya, I.B., Bloomberg, J.J.Modifications in Neuromuscular Activation During Bipedal Postural and Locomotor Tasks Kyparos, A., Layne C.S., Martinez D.A., Clarke, M.S.F., Feeback, D.L.  Dynamic Foot Pressure as a Countermeasure to Muscle Atrophy.  International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Houston, TX, October, 2002.

Layne, C.S., Forth K.E., Baxter, M.F., Houser, J.J.  Enhanced Neuromuscular Activity from  Mechanical Foot Stimulation. World Space Congress, Houston, TX, October, 2002

Baxter, M.F., Houser, J.J., Forth, K., Layne, C.S. Timing of Somatosensory Stimulation to the Feet Modifies Human Neuromuscular Activation. Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA, November, 2001.

Richards, J.T., Mulavara, A.P., Miller, C.A., Houser, J.J., Marshburn, A.M., Layne, C.S., Bloomberg, J.J. Effects of Virtual Scene Content and Rotation on Postural Stability During Treadmill Locomotion. Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA, November, 2001.

Cremades, J.G., Pease, D.G., Collins, D.J., Layne, C.S., Krull, K.R., Peixoto, J.L. Electroencephalographic measures of imagery perspectives in expert and novice golfers during a putting task. Annual meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Applied Sport Psychology, Orlando, FL, October, 2001

Layne, C.S., Forth, K.E., Baxter, M.F., Houser, J.J. Controlled Somatosensory Input Modifies Neuromuscular Activation. Annual Meeting of the North American Society for Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity, St. Louis, MO, June, 2001.

Layne, C.S., Mulavara, A.P., McDonald, P.V., Pruett, C.J., and Bloomberg, J.J. Maintaining Neuromuscular Contraction Using Somatosensory Input During Long Duration Spaceflight. Bioastronautics Investigators' Workshop, TX, January, 2001.

Bloomberg, J.J., Mulavara, A.P., Miller, C., McDonald, P.V., Layne, C.S., Houser, J., Cohen, H., Kozlovskaya, I.B. Locomotion After Long-Duration Spaceflight: Adaptive Modulation of a Full-Body Head and Gaze Stabilization System. Bioastronautics Investigators' Workshop, Galveston, TX, January, 2001.

Layne, C.S. and Houser, J.J. Modifications in Locomotor Strategies Associated with Grasping Different Objects.  Annual Meeting of the the Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, November, 2000.

Layne, C.S., Houser, J.J., Miller, K.M., Lester, T.  The Effect of Grasping Different Objects on Locomotion Strategies. Annual Meeting of the North American Society for Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity, San Diego,CA, June, 2000.

Houser J.J., Stergiou N., Scholten S.D., & Layne C.S.   Lower Extremity Coordination during Walking Over Obstacles With Shoes of Different Traction. Annual Meeting of the North American Society for Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity, San Diego,CA, June, 2000.
Baxter, M.F., Layne, C.S.  Using Dynamic Foot Pressure to Modify Neuromuscular Activation. Texas Motor Behavior Meeting ­ 2000, April, 2000.
Layne, C.S., Houser, J.J., Modification of Gait Parameters in Preparation for Reaching.  Texas Motor Behavior Meeting ­ 2000, April, 2000.

Baxter, M.F., Layne, C.S.  Use of Dynamic Foot Pressure to Modify Neuromuscular Activation During Bipedal Unloading.   The University of Houston 18th, Annual Biomedical Engineering Conference, Houston, TX, February, 2000.

Layne, C.S., Mulavara, A.P., Pruett, C.J., McDonald, P.V., Kozlovskaya, I.B., Bloomberg, J.J. Using Foot Pressure to Maintain Neuromuscular Function during Long-Duration Spaceflight. Conference on International Space Station Utilization 2000, Albuquerque, NM, February, 2000.

Layne, C.S., Mulavara A.P., McDonald, P.V., Pruett, C.J., Kozlovkaya, I.B., Bloomberg, J.J. Anticipatory Postural Neuromuscular Activation during Space Flight.  To be presented at the Annual Meeting of the North American Society for Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity, Clearwater, FL, June, 1999.

Layne, C.S., Mulavara, A.P., McDonald, P.V., Pruett, C.J., Kozlovskaya, I.B., Bloomberg, J.J. The Efficacy of Plantar Sensory Input in Facilitating Neuromuscular Activation During Long-Duration Space Flight.  The University of Houston 17th, Annual Biomedical Engineering Conference, Houston, TX, February, 1999.

Baxter, M..F., Layne, C.S.  Modifications in Neuromuscular Activation Patterns Resulting From Induced Ischemia.  The University of Houston 17th, Annual Biomedical Engineering Conference, Houston, TX, February, 1999.

Mulavara, A.P., Verstraeta, M.C., McDonald, P.V., Layne, C.S., Bloomberg, J.J.  Coordination Betwweeen the Head and Trunk During Locomotion After Long-Duration Exposure to Weighlessness.  The University of Houston 17th, Annual Biomedical Engineering Conference, Houston, TX, February, 1999.

Layne, C.S., Mulavara, A.P., McDonald P.V., Pruett, C.J., Koslovskaya, I.B., Bloomberg, J.J. Anticipatory Postural Activity during Long-duration Space Flight. First Biennial Space  Biomedical Investigators' Workshop, League City, TX, January, 1999.

Bloomberg, J.J., Mulavara A.P., McDonald, P.V., Layne, C.S., Merkle, L.A., Cohen, H.S., Kozlovkaya, I.B.  The Effects of Long-Duration Space Flight on Postflight Terrestrial Locomotion.  First Biennial Space Biomedical Investigators' Workshop, League City, TX, January, 1999.

Delikinaki, E., Layne, C.S. Does Changing the Load Moment Arm During a Lifting Task Modify Coordination strategies?  Annual meeting of the Texas Association for Physical Education, Health, Recreation and Dance, Houston, TX, December, 1998.

Kohlmaier, J., Layne, C.S.  Dynamics of the Golf Swing.  Annual meeting of the Texas Association for Physical Education, Health, Recreation and Dance, Houston, TX, December, 1998.

Bloomberg, J.J., Mulavara, A.P., McDonald, P.V., Layne, C.S., Merkle, L.A., Cohen, H.S., Kozlovskaya, I.B.  The Effects of Long-Duration Space Flight on Sensorimotor During Locomotion. Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Anaheim, CA, October, 1998.

Mulavara A.P., Verstraete, M.C., McDonald P.V., Layne C.S. Bloomberg J.J.  Quantifying Dynamic Coordination Between the Head and Trunk During the Gait Cycle.   5th International Symposium on 3D Analysis of Human Movement, Chattanooga TN, July, 1998.

Layne, C.S., McDonald, P.V., Mulavara A.P., Bloomberg, J.J.  Adaptations in Movement Control After Space Flight.  Annual Meeting of the North American Society for Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity, St. Charles, IL, June, 1998.

Layne, C.S., Mulavara, A.P., McDonald, P.V., Pruett, C.J., Kozlovskaya, I.B., Bloomberg, J.J. The Impact of Long-duration Space Flight on Upright Postural Stability During Unilateral Arm Raises.  Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, LA, October, 1997.

Kalakanis, D., Layne, C.S., Abraham, L.D., Mulavara, A.P., McDonald, P.V., Huebner, W.P., Bloomberg, J.J.  Using Dynamic Computational Models to Understand the Influence of Gravity on Human Movement.  Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, LA,
October, 1997.

Riccio, G.E., McDonald, P.V., Peters, B.T., Layne, C.S., Bloomberg, J.J.  Adaptability in Posture and Manual Control During Extravehicular Mass Handling.   Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, LA, October, 1997.

Layne, C.S., Mulavara, A.P., Pruett, C.J., McDonald, P.V., Kozlovskaya, I.B., Bloomberg, J.J. The Use of Inflight Foot Pressure as a Countermeasure to Neuromuscular Degradation.  12th Man in Space Symposium:  The Future of Humans in Space, June, 1997, Washington, D.C., p. 320.

Layne, C.S., Lange, G.W., Pruett, C.J., McDonald, P.V., Merkle, L.A., Smith, S.L., Kozlovskaya, I.B., Bloomberg, J.J.  Adaptation of Neuromuscular Activation Patterns During Locomotion After Long-Duration Space Flight.  12th Man in Space Symposium:  The Future of Humans in Space, June,
1997, Washington, D.C., June, pp. 314-315.

Bloomberg, J.J., Mulavara, A.P, Riley, P.O., Layne, C.S., McDonald, P.V., Smith, S.L., Kozlovskaya, I.B.  Three Dimensional Head Movement Control During Locomotion After  Long-Duration Space Flight. 12th Man in Space Symposium:  The Future of Humans in Space, June, 1997, Washington, D.C., p. 312.

McDonald, P.V., Layne, C.S., Bloomberg, J.J., Kozlovskaya, I.B.  Human Body Shock Wave Transmission Properties After Long Duration Space Flight.  12th Man in Space Symposium:   The Future of Humans in Space, June, 1997, Washington, D.C., p. 313.

McDonald, P.V., Riccio, G.E., Peters, B.T., Layne, C.S., Bloomberg, J.J.  Understanding the Skill of Extravehicular Mass Handling.  12th Man in Space Symposium:  The Future of Humans in Space, June, 1997, Washington, D.C., p. 258.

Kalakanis, D., Layne, C.S., Abraham, L.D., Bloomberg, J.J.  Influence of External Forces on the Control and Performance of a Minimum Time Shoulder Flexion Task.  Annual Meeting of the International Society of Biomechanics in Sport, Denton TX, May, 1997

Bloomberg, J.J., Layne, C.S., McDonald, P.V., Mulavara, A.P., Riley, P.O., Smith, S.L., Kozlovskaya, I.B., Lange, G.W., Pruett, C.J., Merkle, L.A.  Effect of Space Flight on Head Stability During Locomotion.  Posture and Gait Satellite Symposium of the Neural Control of Movement Meeting,
Cancun, Mexico, April 1997.

Jansen, B.H., Woodie, V.H., Layne, C.S., Bloomberg, J.J.  Principle Component Analysis of EMG for Assessing Variability Between Pre- and Post-flight Gait Patterns of Astronauts.  15th Annual Houston Conference on Biomedical Engineering Research, Houston, TX, February, 1997.

Smith, S.L., Layne, C.S., Bloomberg.  The Effects of Space Flight on Segmental Coordination During Combined Treadmill Locomotion and Visual Target Fixation.  15th Annual Houston Conference on Biomedical Engineering Research, Houston, TX, February, 1997.

Lange, G.W., Layne, C.S., Pruett, C.J., Merkle, L.A., Bloomberg, J.J.  The Effect of Visual Target Manipulation on Neuromuscular Patterns During Gait.  15th Annual Houston Conference on Biomedical Engineering Research, Houston, TX, February, 1997.

Merkle, L.A., Layne, C.S., and Bloomberg, J.J.  The Use of Factor Analysis to Identify Neuromuscular Synergies During Treadmill Locomotion.  15th Annual Houston Conference on Biomedical Engineering Research, Houston, TX, February, 1997.

Pruett, C.J., Layne, C.S., Lange, G.W., Merkle, L.A., Bloomberg, J.J.  The Effect of Cadence and Space Flight on Neuromuscular Patterns During Overground Locomotion. 15th Annual Houston Conference on Biomedical Engineering Research, Houston, TX, February, 1997.

Mulavara, A.P., Verstraete, M.C., Layne, C.S., McDonald, P.V., Bloomberg, J.J.  Quantifying Coordination in the Head-Trunk System Using A Stiffness Control Paradigm in Investigations of Adaptations to Weightlessness.  15th Annual Houston Conference on Biomedical Engineering Research, Houston, TX, February, 1997

Peters, B.T., McDonald, P.V., Riccio, G.E., Layne, C.S., Bloomberg, J.J.  Postural Stability and Mobility During Extravehicular Mass Handling.  15th Annual Houston Conference on Biomedical Engineering Research, Houston, TX, February, 1997

Siconolfi, S.F., Kozlovskaya, I.B., Gilbert, J.H., Layne, C.S., Koriak, Y. Kharitonov, N.M., Stepantsov, V.J.  Effects of 115 Days of Space Flight on VO2 and Work.  Annual Meeting American College of Sports Medicine, 1997.

Layne, C.S., Mulavara, A.P., McDonald, P.V., Pruett, C.J., Bloomberg, J.J.  Somatosensory Input Enhances Neuromuscular Activation During Movements Performed While Free-Floating in Microgravity. Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Washington D.C. November, 1996.

McDonald, P.V., LaFortune, M.A., Layne, C.S., Bloomberg, J.J.  Challenges to Head Stability After Space Flight.   Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Washington D.C.  November, 1996.

Peters, B.T., Bloomberg, J.J., Layne, C.S., McDonald, P.V., Huebner, W.P.  Eye, Head, and Trunk Phase Relationships During Treadmill Locomotion While Viewing Visual Targets at Different Distances. Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, Washington D.C. November, 1996.

Smith, S.L, Peters, B.T., Layne, C.S., McDonald, P.V., Bloomberg, J.J. Head Movement Control During Goal-directed Treadmill Locomotion.   20th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics, Atlanta, GA, October, 1996.

Layne, C.S., McDonald, P.V., Mulavara, A.P., Kozlovskaya, I.B., Bloomberg, J.J.  Adapting Neuromuscular Synergies in Microgravity.  "Bernsteinís Traditions in Motor Control"  Conference, Penn State University, University Park, PA, August, 1996.

McDonald, P.V., Riccio, G.E. Layne, C.S., Bloomberg, J.J.  How to Exploit Reactive Phenomena in Space.  "Bernsteinís Traditions in Motor Control" Conference, Penn State University, University Park, PA, August, 1996.

LaFortunate, M.A., McDonald, P.V., Layne, C.S., Bloomberg, J.J.  Space Flight Modifications of the Human Body Shock Wave Transmission Properties.  Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society for Biomechanics, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, August, 1996.

Layne, C.S., McDonald, P.V., Pruett, C.J., Mulavara, A., Kozlovskaya, I.B., Voronov, A.V., Bloomberg, J.J.  The Impact of Space Flight on Anticipatory Muscle Activation.  Annual  Meeting of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Houston, TX, March, 1996.

Bloomberg, J.J., Kozlovskaya, I.B., Voronov, A.V. , Layne, C.S., McDonald, P.V., Peters, B.T., Melton, S.L., Reschke, M.F.  Locomotor Control Following Long Duration Space Flight. Annual Meeting of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Houston, TX, March, 1996.

Siconolfi, S.G., Kozlovskaya, I.B., Layne, C.S., Koryak, Y.A., Gilbert, J.H., and Stepantsov, V.J. Skeletal Muscle Performance and Characteristics.  Annual Meeting of the American Institute of Aeronautics
and Astronautics, Houston, TX, March, 1996.

Layne, C.S., Bloomberg, J.J., McDonald, P.V., Mulavara, A.P., Pruett, C.J.  The Use of Foot Pressure to Enhance Neuromuscular Activation During Space Flight.  Annual Meeting of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Houston, TX, March, 1996.

McDonald, P.V., Layne, C.S., Bloomberg, J.J.  Transmission of Locomotor Heelstrike Accelerations After Space Flight:  Implications for Head Movement Control.  Annual Meeting of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Houston, TX, March, 1996

Mulavara, A.P., McDonald, P.V., Layne, C.S., Poliner, J., Pruett, C.J., Bloomberg, J.J. Quantifying Adaptive Preparatory Postural Adjustments That Occur Following Space Flight. 14th Annual Houston Conference on Biomedical Engineering Research, Houston, TX, February, 1996

Smith, S.L., Peters, B.T., Layne, C.S., Mulavara, A.P., Pruett, C.J., McDonald, P.V., Bloomberg, J.J.  An Integrated Approach to the Measurement of Locomotion Strategies in Astronauts Following Space Flight.  14th Annual Houston Conference on Biomedical Engineering Research, Houston, TX,
February, 1996.

Mavrofrides, D.C., Jansen, B.H., Layne, C.S., Mulavara, A.P., Bloomberg, J.J. Trajectory-based Analysis of Pre and Post Space Flight EMG.  14th Annual Meeting of the American Institute of Aeronautics
and Astronautics, Houston, TX, February, 1996.

Siconolfi, S.F., Koslovskaya, I.B., Layne, C., Koriak, Y., Gilbert, J.H. III, (sponsor, Smith, S.M.) Neuromuscular Performance in Crewmembers After a 115-day Space Flight.  Annual  Conference for
Experimental Biology, 1996.

Layne, C.S. McDonald, P.V., Pruett, C.J., Jones, G., Bloomberg, J.J.  Preparatory Postural Control After Space Flight.  Annual Meeting of the Society for  Neuroscience, San Diego, CA. November, 1995.

Layne, C.S., Bloomberg, J.J., McDonald, P.V. The Effects of Space Flight on Head Movement Control and Lower Limb Coordination: Lower Limb Muscle Activation Patterning.  3rd Intl. Symposium On The
Head/Neck System. Vail, CO, July, 1995.

McDonald, P.V., Bloomberg, J.J., Layne, C.S., Basdogan, C.  The Effects of Space Flight on Head Movement Control and Lower Limb Coordination: Lower Limb Kinematics.  3rd Intl. Symposium On The
Head/Neck System.  Vail, CO, July, 1995.

Bloomberg, J.J., Huebner, W.P., Layne, C.S., McDonald, P.V., Reschke, M.F., Peters, B.T., Smith, S.L The Effects of Space Flight on Head Movement Control and Lower Limb Coordination:  Head-trunk Strategies.
3rd Intl. Symposium on the Head/Neck System, Vail, CO, July, 1995.

Rossi, M.D., Bloomberg, J.J., Feeback, D.L., Layne, C.S.  The Effect on Vertical Jump of a Combined Squat-Jumping Program Using a Horizontal Sled.  Med. Science Sport Exercise, 27:(5), Supplement, 1995.

Rossi, M.D., Bloomberg, J.J., Feeback, D.L., Layne, C.S.  The Effect of Squat-Jump Training Protocol Using a Horizontal Sled on Isometric Lift.   Annual Meeting of the Texas College of Sports Medicine, Dallas,
TX, February, 1995.

Layne, C.S., Jones, G., Pruett, C.J., McDonald, P.V., Bloomberg, J.J.  A System for Measuring Surface Electromyography and Limb Accelerations in Microgravity.  National Conference of the American Institute of
Aeronautics and Astronautics,  Houston, TX, April, 1995.

McDonald, P.V., Layne, C.S., Pruett, C.J., Jones, G.  Support Surface Thrust Vector Dynamics in Response to Voluntary Arm Movements:  Implications for Models of Postural Pontrol. National Conference of the American
Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics,  Houston, TX, April, 1995.

Bloomberg, J.J., Huebner, W.P., Layne, C.S., McDonald, P.V., Reschke, M.F., Peters, B.T., Smith, S.L. Evaluation of Microgravity Induced Adaptive Modification in Sensory-Motor Function.  National Conference
of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics,  Houston, TX, April, 1995.

Pruett, C.J., Layne, C.S., Jones, G., Bloomberg, J.J., McDonald, P.V. A Foot- pressure Device for Neuromuscular Applications.  National Conference of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics,
Houston, TX, April, 1995.

McDonald, P.V., Layne, C.S., Merkle, L., Jones, G., Pruett, C.J.  The Impact of Space Flight on Postflight Locomotion. Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Miami, FL, November, 1994.

Layne, C.S., Bloomberg, J.J., McDonald, P.V., Jones, G., Pruett, C.J.  The Application of Kistler Instrumentation for Human Performance Evaluation in the Shuttle-MIR Program.  Kistler Biomechanics News,
Vol. II, no 3, 1994.

Layne, C.S., Bloomberg, J.J., McDonald, P.V., Jones, G., Merkle, L., Pruett,  C.J.  Lower-Limb Muscle Activation Patterns After Space Flight, IVth International Conference of the Space and Underwater Medicine
Division of the World Federation of Neurology, Fort Lauderdale, FL, August, 1994.

Layne, C.S., Bloomberg, J.J., McDonald, P.V., Jones, G., Pruett, C.J.  The Role of Foot Pressure in the Generation of Neuromuscular Responses in Microgravity, IVth International Conference of the Space and Underwater Medicine Division of the World Federation of Neurology, Fort Lauderdale, FL, August, 1994.

Layne, C.S., Bloomberg, J.J., McDonald, P.V., Jones, G., Pruett, C.J., Merkle, L.  Changes in Lower Limb Electromyographic Activity Following Space Flight.  American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Meeting,
Houston, TX, May, 1994.

Jones, G., Layne, C.S., Pruett, C.J., McDonald, P.V., Bloomberg, J.J.  Measurement of Surface Electromyography
and Limb Accelerations During Movements in Microgravity.  American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Meeting, Houston, TX, May, 1994.

McDonald, P.V., Bloomberg, J.J., Layne, C.S.  Lower Limb Coordination During Treadmill  Locomotion Following
Space Flight.  American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Meeting, Houston, TX, May, 1994.

Layne, C.S., Bloomberg, J.J., McDonald, P.V., Jones, G., Pruett, C.J.  Lower Limb Electromyographic Activity
Patterns During Treadmill Locomotion Following Space Flight. Annual Meeting of the Aerospace Medical Association,
San Antonio, TX, May, 1994.

 *Lane, H.W., Layne, C.S., Reschke, M.F.  D20 in High Doses Does Not Affect Static Posture Equilibrium in Healthy Volunteers.  Annual Meeting of the Aerospace Medical Association, San Antonio, TX, May, 1994.

McDonald, P.V., Bloomberg, J.J., Layne, C.S., Peters, B.T.  Intersegmental Coordination     During Treadmill locomotion Following Space Flight.  Annual Meeting of the Aerospace Medical Association, San Antonio, TX,
May, 1994.

Layne, C.S., Jones, G. Reed, A.E.  Anticipatory Sway Strategy Influences Arm Flexion Reaction Times. Annual
Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Washington D.C., November, 1993.

*Rossi, M.D., Bloomberg, J.J., Feeback, D.L., Layne, C.S. The Effect of A Squat-jumping  Exercise Program Usinga Horizontal Sled on Isokinetic Strength of the Knee and Hip Extensors.  Annual Conference of the American
Physical Therapy Association, Cincinnati, OH June, 1993.

*Rossi, M.D., Bloomberg, J.J., Feeback, D.L., Layne, C.S.  The Effect on Isometric Strength of the Knee and Hip Extensors of a Squat-jumping Exercise Program Utilizing a Horizontal Sled. Annual Conference of the American Physical Therapy Association Conference, Cincinnati, OH, June, 1993.

Layne, C.S., Spooner, B.S.  Microgravity Effects on "Postural" Muscle Activity Patterns.  World Space Congress,
Washington D.C. September, 1992.

Schroeder, S., Layne, C.S., Dyer, R.  Comparison of the Frequency Spectra of Surface Electromyographic Signals from the Soleus Muscle Under Normal and Altered Sensory  Environments.  Annual Rocky Mountain
Bioengineering Symposium, Denver, CO, 1992.

Elliott, E.H., Layne, C.S., Schneider, C.M., Zebas, C.J.  Electromyographic Responses and Force Application Associated with Two Land Rowing Modes.  Annual Meeting of the International Society of Biomechanics in Sport,
Ames, IA, 1991.

Layne, C.S.  Muscle Activation Patterns During Swimming.  Invited presentation, sponsored by NASPE, Exercise Physiology Academy, American Alliance for Physical Education, Health, Recreation and Dance, San
Francisco, CA, April, 1991.

Layne, C.S., Spooner, B.S.  The Relationship Between Agonist and Postural Activity in a Microgravity Environment.  Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, St. Louis, MO, Novemeber, 1990.

Layne, C.S., Schnittker, D.  The Effect of Practice on the Time to Peak Amplitude of Selected Postural Muscles.
Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Phoenix, AZ, November, 1989.

Layne, C.S., Spooner, B.S., Guikema, J.  The Interaction Between Prime Mover and Postural Activity in a Zero
Gravity Environment:  EMG Analyses During Parabolic Flight-Generated Microgravity.  Annual Meeting of the
American Society for Gravitational and Space Biology, Cocoa Beach, FL, 1989.

Layne, C.S.  Invariances in Anticipatory Myoelectric Activity Associated with Practice During an Arm Raising Task.
Annual Meeting of the North American Society for Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity, Kent, OH, June, 1989.

Layne, C.S.  The Effect of Practice on the Stability of Anticipatory Postural Patterns During a Bilateral Arm Raising Task. Annual Meeting of the Society of Neuroscience, Phoenix, AZ, November, 1988

Layne, C.S., Abraham, L.D.  Variations in Human Postural Activity Preparatory to Well-Practiced Rapid Arm Movement.  Annual Meeting of the Society of Neuroscience, New Orleans,     LA, November, 1987.

Layne, C.S., Abraham, L.D.  Interaction Between Reflexive and Voluntary Postural Activity.  Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Washington, D.C., November, 1986.

Layne, C.S., Abraham, L.D., Brunt, D.  EMG Patterns in Response to Postural Perturbations and Their Interactions
with Voluntary Movement in Deaf Subjects.  Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Dallas, TX, November, 1985.

Housner, L.D., Layne, C.S., Griffey, D.  Contingencies of Evaluative Feedback in Physical  Education.  Annual Meeting of the American Association for Physical Education, Health, Recreation and Dance, Anaheim, CA, April, 1984.

Baylor, A.M., Erickson, C., Layne, C.S., Mayfield, D, Osborne, L., Spirduso, W.W.  Effects of ETOH on Components of Human Fractionated Reaction Time.  Annual Conference of the Texas Research Society on Alcoholism, Austin, TX 1984.

Layne, C.S.  Patterns of Lower Limb Muscle Activity in Young Boys During a One Foot Static Balance Task. Olympic Scientific Congress, Eugene, OR, 1983.

Brunt, D., Layne, C.S., Cook, M., Rowe, L.  Automatic Postural Responses of Deaf Children from Dynamic and Static Positions.  Olympic Scientific Congress, Eugene, OR, 1983.

Brunt, D., Layne, C.S., Cook, M., Rowe, L.  Strategies for Automatic Postural Adjustment in Deaf Children.  Annual
Meeting of the Australian Chapter of Health, Physical Education and Recreation, Sydney, Australia, 1983.

*Denotes primary author

Invited Presentations

Layne, C.S.  (Invited Lecture) Does Tendon Vibration Impact Adaptation to Split-belt Locomotion.  Presented at: School of Life, Sport and Social Sciences, Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh, Scotland, September 9, 2011.

Layne, C.S.  Development of a Master’s Degree in Human Space Life Sciences, Workshop on the Development of a MSc in space Physiology and Health – joint program between Kings College, London UK, and European Space Agency – November, 2009

Layne, C.S.  Fractured:  Preventing Falls Using In-shoe Technology.  Healthcare Extension Technologies workshop.  Texas-UK Collaborative, University College London, November, 2008.

Layne, C.S., Olvera, N., Foreman, F.  Center for Wellness Without Borders – A Virtual Fitness Center. Presentation to UH Distance Education Innovative Teaching Expo 2001,  November,  2001.  One of only  four campus groups invited to present at this workshop.

Layne C.S.  Using the Internet for Classroom Instruction.  Campus Net Online Workshop, University of Houston – Clear Lake, June, 2001

Layne, C. S.  Obtaining Neuromuscular Activation Patterns during Movements in Space.  Presentation to the University of Houston, Electrical Engineering Symposium Series, April, 2000.

Layne, C.S.  Measuring Human Performance during Space Flight.  Presentation to University of Texas at Austin
Biomedical Engineering Society, Austin, Texas, March, 1997.

Layne, C.S.  Dynamic Postural Control During and After Space Flight.  Presentation in the Graduate Research
Seminar Series, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, December, 1996.

Layne, C.S.   The Measurement of Posture and Locomotion in Astronauts Following Space Flight.  Presentation in
the Bioengineering Seminar Series of the Bioengineering Research Center, University of Houston, April, 1996.

Layne, C.S.  The Impact of Space Flight on Neuromuscular Activation during Rapid Arm Movements.  Presentation
to Human Performance Laboratory Seminar Group, Department of Health and Kinesiology, Texas A&M University,
College Station, TX, November, 1995.

Layne, C.S.  Human Space Flight - A Neuromuscular Perspective.  Human Performance Seminar, Department of
Health and Human Performance, University of Houston, Houston, TX, October, 1994.

Layne, C.S., Bloomberg, J.J., McDonald, P.V.  Neuromuscular Activation Patterns during Treadmill Locomotion
Following Space Flight.  Presentation to the Neuroscience Discipline Implementation working group, NASA-Johnson
Space Center, Houston, TX, 1993.

McDonald, P.V., Bloomberg, J.J., Layne, C.S.  Lower Limb Kinematics during Treadmill Locomotion Following
Space Flight.  Presentation to the Neuroscience Discipline Implementation working group, NASA-Johnson Space
Center, Houston, TX , 1993.

Layne, C.S.  "Microgravity Effects on Human Neuromuscular Activation", invited S.H.A.P.E. series speaker,
University of Wales, Bangor, Wales, United Kingdom, July, 1992.

Layne, C.S.  Anticipatory Postural Activity During Space Flight.  Presentation to the Neuroscience Discipline
Implementation working group, NASA-Johnson Space Center,  Houston, TX, 1992.

Layne, C.S.  Resolving Sensory Conflict - The Effect of Muscle Vibration on Postural Stability.  Department of
Anatomy and Physiology Seminar Series, College of Veterinary Medicine, Kansas State University, Manhattan,
KS, 1991.

Layne, C.S.  How Movement is Controlled in Microgravity - Some Answers, More Questions.  Presented as part
of BioServe Space Technologies Seminar Series, Division of Biology, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, 1990.

Layne, C.S.  Anticipatory Postural Responses Prior to Arm Movements Made in Reduced Gravity.  Presented to
Kansas State University "Neuroscienceís Group", Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, 1991.

Layne, C.S.  "Adapted Physical Education in the Public Schools", Manhattan, Kansas, 1988- 1991.