
  • June 2024

    Komal's stroke paper has been accepted for publication in Experimental Brain Research. Congratulations!

  • June 2024

    Dr. Nishant Rao's EEG paper has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Motor Behavior. Congratulations!

  • April 2024

    Congratulations to Vivian Rose for successfully defending her PhD work. Well done, Dr. Rose!!!

  • January 2024

    Vivian's research manuscript titled 'The Bead Maze Hand Function Test for Children' has been accepted for publication in the American Journal of Occupational Therapy. Congratulations!

  • August 2023

    Mahdis Dafdar joins the lab to pursue her PhD studies. Congratulations and Welcome to the lab!

  • June 2023

    Komal's research article (preprint) on understanding the corticospinal mechanisms for poor balance control in stroke patients is now available on medRxiv.

  • January 2023

    Komal's research article on understanding the association between foot sensory deficits and balance control in children with autism has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Autism. This was a collaborative work with Dr. Sambit Mohaptra at the University of Vermont Congratulations!!!

  • December 2022

    Vivian Rose and Komal Kukkar received the Cullen Travel award to support their recent SfN conference trip. Congratulations to both of you!!!

  • November 2022

    Diana Huynh received the Provost Undergraduate Research Scholarship 2023 to continue her research work in the laboratory. Congratulations!!!

  • November 2022

    Vivian and Komal presented their research project at Neuroscience 2022 (SfN annual meeting) held in San Diego, CA.

  • September 2022

    Anaga Ajoy has been selected to present her research on the new Bead Maze Hand Function test at the 14th annual Gulf Coast Undergraduate Research Symposium on Oct 8.Congratulations!!!

  • September 2022

    A NSF BRAIN center project grant awarded to Pranav (PI).

  • August 2022

    Pranav and Dr. Contreras-Vidal (both PIs) have been awarded a 5-year NIH R25 Research Education Grant to provide early career clinicans and researchers training in innovative research methodologies and research tools such as neuromodulation, neuroimaging, machine learning, and rehabilitation robotics.

  • More info

  • July 2022

    Pranav has been invited to the editorial board of Frontiers in Medical Engineering - Clinical Engineering.

  • April 2022

    Diana Huynh is a recipient of the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship 2022. Congratulations!!!

  • March 2022

    Nishant Rao will be soon moving to Yale University for his postdoctoral work. Congratulations, Dr. Rao!!!

  • March 2022

    Congratulations to Nishant Rao for successfully defending his PhD work. A job well done, Dr. Rao!!!

  • March 2022

    Vivian Rose's article titled "Getting a Child a Myoelectric Prosthesis: Did We Miss the Bus?" has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Prosthetics and Orthotics. Congratulations!!!

  • February 2022

    Our new article on "Assessment of Biomechanical Predictors of Occurrence of Low-Amplitude N1 Potentials Evoked by Naturally Occurring Postural Instabilities" has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering.

  • November 2021

    Pranav gave an invited talk at UT Austin.

  • October 2021

    Pranav has been appointed as the Director of Center for Neuromotor and Biomechanics Research.

  • September 2021

    Komal Kukkar received the UH Presidential Fellowship to pursue his PhD studies. Congratulations and Welcome to the lab!

  • July 2021

    Nishant's article titled "Effects of Aging on Conditional Visuomotor Learning for Grasping and Lifting Eccentrically Weighted Objects" has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Applied Physiology. Congratulations, Nishant, Neha, and Pujan!

  • May 2021

    Pranav has achieved a milestone, Associate Professor with tenure effective September 1, 2021!

  • May 2021

    Vivian Rose has successfully passed the PhD comprehensive exam. Congratulations!!

  • May 2021

    Kennedy Leonard from Johns Hopkins University (Neuroscience major) has been accepted into the NSF REU program at UH. She will work in our laboratory this summer. Congratulations, Kennedy! Welcome!

  • May 2021

    A new grant received from the NIH National Center of Neuromodulation for Neurorehabilition (PI: Dr. Roh, Co-Is: Drs. Parikh and Thompson). Congratulations to Dr. Jinsook Roh (PI) from UH BME!

  • May 2021

    Anaga Ajoy received the Provost’s Undergraduate Research Scholarship Fall 2021. Congratulations!

  • April 2021

    Nishant Rao has successfully defended his PhD dissertation proposal. Way to go!

  • April 2021

    Anaga Ajoy received the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship 2021. Congratulations!

  • March 2021

    Pranav has been selected as a recipient of the 2021 Undergraduate Research Mentor (Faculty Excellence) Award, University of Houston.

  • More info

  • February 2021

    Pranav gave an invited (virtual) talk at the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab.

  • January 2021

    Rahul Goel and Pranav presented their recent work at the NASA HRP virtual conference.

  • January 2021

    Grace McClurg's summer REU work at UH has been accepted for presentation at the National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR) 2021 @Home on April 12-14, 2021. Congratulations!

  • December 2020

    Nishant is a winner of the 2020 Trainee Professional Development Award from the Society of Neuroscience. Congratulations, Nishant! A proud moment.

  • December 2020

    Nishant is a finalist of the 3-minute thesis (3MT) competition held at the University of Houston. Congratulations!

  • December 2020

    Nishant received the HHP Graduate Student Research Award. Congrats!

  • November 2020

    Pranav received a research grant as a PI from C-STAR, NIH/NICHD.

  • November 2020

    Grace McClurg, our summer NSF REU, received a poster presentation award in the Health Sciences category at the Kentucky Academy of Science annual meeting. She presented her summer work done at UH. Congratulations!!!

  • October 2020

    Nishant received the Cullen Graduate Student Success Fellowship for Academic/Research Projects and Distance Education. Congratulations!

  • October 2020

    Our collaborators, Drs. Layne and Young, work (2nd manuscript) has been accepted for publication in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. Congratulations!

  • July 2020

    Pranav received COVID Relief Funds from Mission Connect Foundation.

  • June 2020

    Our collaborators, Drs. Layne and Young, work has been accepted for publication in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. Congratulations!

  • June 2020

    Pranav was invited to serve on the NIH Sensorimotor Integration (SMI) Study Section to review major research grants.

  • May 2020

    Mira Mutnick from Georgia Tech received the NSF REU scholarship. Mira will work (remotely) with us over summer 2020. Congratulations!

    Grace McClurg received the NSF REU scholarship. Grace will work (remotely) with us over summer 2020. Congratulations!

  • April 2020

    Hiba Rabieh received the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship 2018. Congratulations!

    Sheel Shah received the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship 2018. Congratulations!

  • January 2020

    Nishant Rao has successfully passed the PhD comprehensive examination. Congratulations!

  • January 2020

    Nishant's work has been accepted for publication in Neuroscience Letters. Congratulations, again!

  • December 2019

    Nishant's work has been accepted for publication in Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience. Congratulations!

  • November 2019

    Pranav's recent work has been accepted for publication in Cerebral Cortex.

  • November 2019

    Nishant's poster awarded Honorable Mention at the UH Graduate Research Showcase. Congratulations!

  • July 2019

    Pranav received a research grant as a PI from National Institutes of Health National Center of Neuromodulation for Rehabilitation.

  • April 2019

    Our article, "Fronto-parietal Brain Areas Contribute to the Online Control of Posture during a Continuous Balance Task", has been accepted for publication in Neuroscience (Elsevier® Journal).

  • February 2019

    Pranav's paper on the "Sensorimotor uncertainty modulates corticospinal excitability during skilled object manipulation" has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Neurophysiology.

  • April 2018

    The Brain Center received a NSF Award #1757949 for the 'REU Site: Neurotechnologies to Help the Body Move, Heal, and Feel Again' (PIs: Drs. Jose Contreras-Vidal and Stuart Long). As one of the participating labs, we will host one undergraduate student this summer 2018 under this grant.

    Nishant Rao won first place at the HHP Elevator Speech Contest. Congratulations!

  • March 2018

    John Kass received the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship 2018. Congratulations!

    John Tran received the Provost's Undergraduate Research Scholarship fall 2018. Congratulations!

  • February 2018

    Pranav received a High Priority Area Research Seed Grant as a PI (02/15/2018 - 02/15/2020).

    Rahul's paper on the "Effects of Speed and Direction of Perturbation on Electroencephalographic and Balance Responses" has been accepted for publication in Experimental Brain Research. Congratulations! here

  • January 2018

    Pranav received a Research Progress Grant (competitive renewal) from the CLASS at the University of Houston as a PI (02/01/2018 - 01/31/2019).

  • October 2017

    Nishant received the Cullen Graduate Fellowship Travel Grant to present at the 2017 SfN annual meeting

  • August 2017

    Rahul received the Department of Health and Human Performance Graduate Award. Congratulations!

  • June 2017

    Nishant successfully passed the PhD qualifying examination. Congratulations!

  • April 2017

    Michelle has been accepted into the research internship program at the University of Wisconsin, Madison for Summer 2017. Congratulations!

  • February 2017

    Pranav received a Research Progress Grant from the CLASS at the University of Houston as a PI (02/01/2017 - 01/31/2018).

  • January 2017

    Pranav's paper on the "Role of Human Premotor Dorsal Region in Learning a Conditional Visuo-Motor Task" has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Neurophysiology.

    Our recent publication titled the "Role of Human Premotor Dorsal Region in Learning a Conditional Visuo-Motor Task" has been highlighted on social media. here.

  • November 2016

    Rahul Goel received the Cullen Graduate Fellowship Travel Grant to present one of his NASA projects at the 2016 SfN annual meeting in San Diego, CA.

    Pranav received the Provost's Travel Fund to present his research at the 2016 SfN annual meeting in San Diego, CA.

  • October 2016

    Pranav gave an invited talk at the 6th Annual Gulf Coast NeuroEngineering symposium. here.

  • September 2016

    Rahul Goel received the Force and Motion Foundation travel award to present one of his NASA projects at the 2016 SfN annual meeting in San Diego, CA.

  • August 2016

    Nishant Rao received the Presidential Fellowship to pursue his PhD studies at UH starting Fall 2016.

  • June 2016

    Pranav published an editorial titled 'A Hand at Work: Effects on Aging' in Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience.

  • May 2016

    Rahul Goel has successfully passed the PhD comprehensive examination. Congratulations!

  • April 2016

    Eesha Kundra received the Provost's Undergraduate Research Scholarship fall 2016. Congratulations!

  • December 2015

    Pranav received a pilot grant from CAMRI at Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX as a PI (12/20/2015 - 12/19/2017).

  • October 2015

    Pranav received the Provost’s Travel Fund to present his research at the 2015 Society for Neuroscience (SfN) annual meeting in Chicago, IL.

  • September 2015

    Pranav gave an invited seminar at Core for Advanced MR Imaging (CAMRI), Baylor College of Medicine.