• Dr. Lee delivered a research presentation at the Korea Robotics Conference (KRoC) on February 14, 2025.

  • Dr. Lee delivered an invited research presentation at the School of Mechanical Engineering and the Department of Control and Robot Engineering at Gyeongsang National University on February 7, 2025.

  • Our manuscript titled ‘The effects of six perturbation intensities on backward falls induced by an instrumented split-belt treadmill’ was accepted for publication in Scientific Reports on February 5, 2025.


  • Dr. Catherine Park at Yonsei University, in collaboration with Dr. Beom-Chan Lee, presented three research studies at the 2024 International Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) Forum conference. These studies highlighted significant advancements in healthcare innovation, focusing on patient-centered care and data-driven health solutions for diverse populations.

  • Our paper titled ‘Development and preliminary evaluation of a real-time multiple assistance system for asymmetric gait rehabilitation using an instrumented treadmill’ has been accepted for oral presentation in the 24th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS).

  • The National Research Foundation of Korea selected Dr. Lee's grant application for funding in July 2024.

  • Our manuscript titled ‘A systematic review of the effects of interactive telerehabilitation with remote monitoring and guidance on balance and gait performance in older adults and individuals with neurological conditions’ was accepted for publication in Bioenginnering on 05/02/2024.

  • Dr. Lee's grant application submitted to Seoul National University's BK21 FOUR has been selected for funding in April 2024.

  • We are excited to welcome Maya Palitz, Joshua Doan, and Joshua Lim!


  • Dr. Lee is on sabbatical as a senior researcher in the Institute of Sport Science at Seoul National University in 2023.

  • Dr. Lee gave a research presentation in the Department of Rehabilitative and Assistive Technology at the National Rehabilitation Center on 12/11/2023.

  • Dr. Lee gave a keynote presentation at Korean Society of Sport Biomechanics (KSSB)-Korean Society for Biomechanics (KSB) Joint Conference on 12/01/2023.

  • Dr. Lee gave a research presentation in the Human-Tech Convergence Program at the 2023 Hanyang University BK 21 International Symposium on 11/10/2023.

  • Dr. Lee gave an invited lecture in the College of Information Technology at Kangwon National University on 10/25/2023.

  • Dr. Lee gave a research presentation at the 17th International Symposium for Aging (ISA) on 10/21/2023.

  • Our manuscript titled ‘A systematic review of the long-term effects of using smartphone- and tablet-based rehabilitation technology for balance and gait training and exercise programs’ was accepted for publication in Bioenginnering on 09/28/2023.

  • Dr. Lee gave a research presentation at the Rehabilitation Research Seminar hosted by 2023 Global Healthcare Week and the National Rehabilitation Center on 08/17/2023.

  • Dr. Lee gave research presentations at the Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering and the School of Mechanical Engineeringof Pusan National University on 08/16/2023.

  • Our manuscript titled ‘The different contributions of the eight prefrontal cortex subregions to reactive responses after unpredictable slip perturbations and vibrotactile cueing’ was accepted for publication in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, section Motor Neuroscience on 08/11/2023.

  • Our paper titled ‘Age-related adaptation of the body’s kinematic responses to unpredictable trip perturbations induced by a split-belt treadmill’ has been accepted for oral presentation in 45th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society.

  • Our paper titled ‘Association between age and body’s kinematic responses to unpredictable gait perturbation’ has been accepted for oral presentation in 41st International Society of Biomechanics in Sports (ISBS) Conference.

  • Our manuscript titled ‘Performing dynamic weight-shifting balance exercises with a smartphone-based wearable telerehabilitation system for home use by individuals with Parkinson’s disease: A proof-of-concept study’ has been published in IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering.

  • Dr. Lee gave a research presentation in the Human Health Care Lab Mini Symposium hosted by the National Rehabilitation Center on 05/31/2023.

  • Dr. Lee gave a BK 21 FOUR program special lecture at Kangwon National University on 04/18/2023.

  • Dr. Lee gave research presentation in the School of Integrated Technology at the Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology on 03/28/2023.

  • Dr. Lee gave research presentation at the 2022 Global Conference of Sports Science hosted by the Seoul National University's Institute of Sport Science on 02/13/2023.

  • Dr. Lee gave an invited lecture (10-10 initiative lecture series) at Seoul National University on 02/03/2023.


  • We are excited to welcome Dr. ‪Myeounggon Lee who has research experiences in movement science and neurological disorders.

  • Our paper titled ‘Aging affects lower limb joint moments and muscle responses to a split-belt treadmill perturbation’ has been accepted for publication in Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, section Biomechanics and Control of Human Movement on 06/23/2021.


  • Dongyual Yoo has successfully defended his PhD dissertation on 10/22/20. Congratulations on your achievement!

  • Our manuscript (authored by Drs. Lee, Choi, and Martin) titled ‘Roles of the prefrontal cortex in learning to time the onset of pre-existing motor programs’ has been accepted for publication in PLOS ONE on 10/19/20.

  • Our abstract titled ‘Vibrotactile cueing improves kinematic recovery after unexpected slip perturbations induced by a split-belt treadmill’ has been accepted for presentation at 44th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics on 05/18/20.

  • Our abstract titled ‘Association between activities‐specific balance confidence, dynamic gait index, and physical activity in people with Parkinson’s disease’ has been accepted for presentation at 44th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics on 05/18/20.

  • Our paper titled ‘Effects of a smartphone-based wearable telerehabilitation system for in-home dynamic weight-shifting balance exercises by individuals with Parkinson's disease’ has been accepted for publication in 42nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society on 04/10/20.

  • Our UH-BCM collaborative proposal (Drs. Beom-Chan Lee (UH PI) and Junmo An (UH Co-I)), entitled “Tele-exergame: Remotely-supervised game-based exercise platform for improving cognition and motor function in adult cancer survivors using telemedicine”, has been awarded on 02/06/20.


  • We are excited to welcome Mathew Mendoza!

  • We are excited to welcome Dr. Jiyeon Kim, Emily Song, and Richard Huh!

  • The American Parkinson Disease Association (APDA) highlighted Dr. Lee's NIH research grant in the APDA News on 08/16/2019.

  • Our manuscript titled ‘The effects of technology-assisted ankle rehabilitation on balance control in stroke survivors’ has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering on 08/09/19.

  • Congratulations! Dr. An is promoted to Research Assistant Professor at the HHP Department, effective August 1, 2019.

  • On 07/22/19, Dr. Lee received the Notice of Award on his NIH R21. Dr. Lee is so excited to have funding for the next two years to study a new smartphone-based wearable telerehabilitation system for use by people with Parkinson’ disease.

  • Our abstract titled ‘Electrocortical activity while standing, walking, and recovery after unpredictable trip perturbations’ has been accepted for presentation at 49th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (SfN) on 06/20/19.

  • Dr. Lee's manuscript titled ‘The body’s compensatory responses to unpredictable trip and slip perturbations induced by a programmable split-belt treadmill’ has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering on 06/04/19.

  • Dr. Lee's grant application submitted to Korea Automotive Technology Institute (KATECH) has been selected for funding on 05/02/19.

  • Our abstract titled ‘The changes of trunk dynamics in response to unpredictable trip perturbation in older adults’ has been accepted for presentation at 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society on 04/25/19.

  • Our manuscript titled ‘The effect of the most common gait perturbations on the compensatory limb’s ankle, knee, and hip moments during the first stepping response’ has been accepted for publication in Gait and Posture on 04/10/19.

  • Our paper titled ‘Electrocortical activity changes in response to unpredictable trip perturbations induced by a split-belt treadmill’ has been accepted for publication in 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society on 04/10/19.


  • We are excited to welcome Dr. Junmo An who has research experiences in brain imaging, machine learning, and brain-machine interface.

  • Dongyual's candidacy paper titled ‘Technology-assisted ankle rehabilitation improves balance and gait performance in stroke survivors: A randomized controlled study with 1-month follow-up’ has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering on 10/28/18.

  • Dr. Lee received the Provost’s Travel Fund to present research at the IEEE EMBC 2018.

  • Our paper titled ‘Temporal gait measures associated with overground and treadmill walking in Rett syndrome’ has been accepted for publication in Journal of Child Neurology on 05/07/18.

  • Our paper titled ‘A new smart balance rehabilitation system technology platform: Development and preliminary assessment of the Smarter Balance System for home-based balance rehabilitation for individuals with Parkinson’s disease’ has been accepted for publication in 40th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society on 04/07/18.

  • Our paper titled ‘Usability and validation of the Smarter Balance System: An unsupervised dynamic balance exercises system for individuals with Parkinson’s disease’ has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering on 01/30/18.


  • Dr. Lee received the most distinguished alumni award from Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST).

  • Dongyual received the GenDepot poster award at KSEA-KABMS-KOES West Gulf Coast Conference on 11/4/2017.

  • Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST) selected Dr. Lee to receive the most distinguished alumni award on 10/13/2017.

  • Dr. Lee’s paper titled ‘The effects of coding schemes on vibrotactile biofeedback for dynamic balance training in Parkinson’s Disease and healthy elderly individuals’ has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering on 10/02/17.

  • Our work supported by the APDA has been highlighted on the UH main page. UH News & Events

  • Dr. Lee's renewal application for the APDA research grant program has been selected for funding on 06/26/17.

  • Dongyual successfully passed the HHP doctoral qualifying examination on 06/16/17.

  • Dr. Lee presented research progress at the APDA Scientific Advisory Board meeting scheduled for Monday, May 22, 2017 in the Newark Liberty International Airport Marriott. APDA SAB Meeting

  • Our two papers have been accepted for presentation at the 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC'17). EMBC'17 website

  • Alberto received the HHP Pre Candidacy Project Research Award.

  • Dr. Lee's CLASS research progress grant application has been awarded.