Instructor: Dr. Layne
Office: 104C Garrison 743-9868 Office hours: MW10:30-11:30, or by appointment
Dr. Layne's Web page URL:
Health and Human Performance "fun" pages:
Motor Control and Coordination Lab page:
Center for Fitness Without Borders - your one source for all of your health and fitness needs:
UH homepage for WebCT is:
WebCT help page is: or
Conceptual Framework of the College of Education - Collaboration for Learning and Leading
In the spirit of the College of Education's conceptual framework this course exposes the students to the collaborative convergence of multiple computer technologies to create, modify, process, present and analyze various information sets that are likely to be used in the fields of Health and Kinsiology. This collaborative approach is reflected in the many techniques used to deliver course content and the varied assessements all designed to prepare the students to assume leading roles in society in the professional areas of health, movement and physical fitness.
Course Overview
Course Description: This course is designed to teach graduate students basic skills of a variety of computer programs that are commonly used in fields of Health and Kinesiology. Experiences with word processing, electronic spreadsheets, graphics programs, presentation programs, and internet site development will be offered. The focus will be on exploratory learning processes combined with face-to-face and computer-modulated support.
You will receive a CD that will have various accessory materials such as jpegs, videos, gifs, etc, that you will use to complete your assignments.
Course Objectives
The student will:
1) demonstrate the ability to use the basic operating procedures of Microsoft Word
2) demonstrate the ability to use the basic operating procedures of Microsoft Excel
3) demonstrate the ability to use the basic operating procedures of Microsoft Powerpoint
4) demonstrate the ability to use the basic operating procedures of Endnote
5) demonstrate the ability to use the basic operating procedures of Deltagraph
6) demonstrate the ability to use the basic operating procedures of Adobe Acrobat
7) demonstrate the ability to use the basic operating procedures of Microsoft FrontPage
Each assignment will be worth 10 points. All assignments will be submitted via e-mail to
For each program (with the exception of the Adobe Acrobat) there will be a 10 question quiz that will cover basic information related to that specific program. The quizzes will be delivered through WebCT. Each quiz is worth a total of 10 points. The quizzes are composed of multiple choice and True/False questions. You are required to complete the quiz within 20 minutes from the time you begin the quiz. If you exceed the 20 minute time limit your score will not be recorded in the electronic grade book. I strongly urge you to take the Practice quiz in order to become familiar with the technology. Note - each quiz is protected by a password. These passwords are the same as the name of the program. For example, the Endnote quiz password is endnote.
Five written assignments can be found here
*You can petition to have this course substitute for HPER 7350.