Assignment One - Read the following article and provide a one page (single spaced) reaction.
"As We May Think" - Vannevar Bush, Atlantic Monthly, July 1945
Assignment Two - Read the following article and provide a one page (single spaced) reaction.
"The Computers of Tomorrow" - Martin Greenberger, Atlantic Monthly, May, 1964
Assignment Three - Read the following article and provide a one page (single spaced) reaction.
"Computers Aren't So Smart After All" - Fred Hapgood, Atlantic Monthly, August, 1974.
Assignment Four - Read the following article and provide a one page (single spaced) reaction. Notice the article is in 3 parts on the web.
"Beyond the Information Revolution" - Peter F. Drucker, Atlantic Monthly, October, 1999.
Assignment Five - Someday you, probably sooner than you think, you will have the opportunity to develop a course that incorporates today's and tomorrow's technology. Develop a 1.5 - 2 page (single spaced) paper describing how you will use the available technologies in creative ways. Please feel free to dream a little.