
Layne, C.S. Correlation of Patterns of Gait and Implant Wear after Total Hip Replacement.  Faculty Research Opportunity Award – COE – funded, December, 2004, $4000

Layne, C.S. Development of the Office of Scientific Data Review and Dissemination, Wyle Laboratories Inc., Life Sciences, Systems, and Services - (funded, April, 2004 – $4,198,301.00- 5 years)

Barbieri, E., Layne, C.S., Hagan, D.  Pre/Post-Flight Neuromuscular Control with Variable Resistance/Assistance Exercise Machines.  Institute for Space Systems Operations, University of Houston.  (2004-2006, $120,000 over 3 years for a post-doctoral fellow to work at UH and NASA).

Layne, C.S.  Developmental Evaluation of a Dynamic Foot Stimulation Device.  National  Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) - January, 2004, $59,592 (direct costs) - contract modification - April, 2004, $20,000 added to contract.

Clarke, M.S.F., Layne, C.S., Boling, W. Development of New Technologies for Assessing the Effects of Physical Activity on Skeletal Muscle Function and Physical Fitness in Field-Based  Situations.  Grants to Enhnace and Advance Research (GEAR), University of Houston, May 2003 - funded, $23,284

Barbieri, E., Malki, H.A., Layne, C.S., Shireen, W., Attarzadeh, F.  Prototype EVRA Machine for Rehabilitation. Grants to Enhnace and Advance Research (GEAR), University of Houston, May, 2003 - funded, $ 24,840

Layne, C.S., Faculty Research Opportunity Award (FROA), College of Education, University of Houston, February, 2003, -  funded - $2,835.00

Layne, C.S. Are Muscle Reflexes Modulated Preparatory Neuromuscular Activation Levels?".  Institute for Space Systems Operations, University of Houston, May 2002, - funded $4,326.00.

Layne, C.S. , Chen, Y.C. Enhanced Development of a Variable Foot Pressure Device. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) – NCC9-70, April, 2002 – (funded $12,500.00 – for 3 months extension)

Layne, C.S., Olvera, N., Foreman, F. Using the Internet to Promote Healthy Lifestyles - Faculty Development Initiative Program Grant B ­ UH Provost's Office, June, 2001, funded $25,000.00.

Layne, C.S. , Chen, Y.C. Enhanced Development of a Variable Foot Pressure Device. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) ­ NCC9-70, June, 2001 funded $65,926.85 for 12 months)

Layne, C.S.  Analysis of Electromyographical Data Obtained During Human Locomotion  After Long Duration Spaceflight.  Faculty Research Opportunity Award (FROA), College of Education, University of Houston, $1,500.00, November, 2001.

Layne, C.S.  Development of a Variable Foot Pressure Device. National Aeronautics and Space  Administration (NASA), June, 2000, funded, $51,699.21 for 9 months)

Layne, C.S., Martinez, D.A.  Using Dynamic Foot Pressure as a Countermeasures to Muscle Atrophy.  Institute for Space Systems Operations, University of Houston.  (funded 1999- 2001, $120,000.00 over 3 years for a post-doctoral fellow to work at UH and NASA Muscle  Physiology Laboratory)

Layne C.S.   Using Foot Pressure to Modify Neuromuscular Activation.  Program to Enhance External Research Award  (PEER), University of Houston, 1998 (funded, $5,000)

Layne, C.S.  Analysis of Post Space Flight Neuromuscular Activation Patterns Associated with Human Locomotion. Limited Grant-in-Aid (LGIA), University of Houston, 1997 (funded,  $2000)

Layne, C.S. Investigating the Impact of Foot Pressure on Neuromuscular Activation.  Faculty Research Opportunity Award (FROA), University of Houston, 1997, (funded, $1,400)

Jansen, B.H., Jansen, C.S.  Multi-dimensional EMG-Based Assessment of Walking Dynamics,.1997, NASA-JSC RUG program (direct costs $60.000 over one year, pending, Layne, C.S, project sponser)

Jansen, B.H.  Nonlinear Dynamical Analysis of Pre- and Postflight EMG, 1996, NASA-JSC RUG program (funded, direct costs $60,000, Layne C.S., project sponser).

Jansen, B.H. Non-linear Dynamical Analysis of Pre- and Postflight EMG, Krug Life Sciences,1995, (funded, $13,554).  Layne, C.S. project sponser.

Bloomberg, J.J., Kozlovskaya, I.B., *Layne, C.S., McDonald, P.V., Voronov, A.A.  (1994)  Anticipatory Postural Activity During Long-Duration Space Flight.  Proposal submitted to Shuttle-Mir Phase Ib Science Program (NRA 94-OLMSA-01, funded, direct costs over 2 years $181,798).

Bloomberg, J.J., Kozlovskaya, I.B., *Layne, C.S., McDonald, P.V., Voronov, A.A.  (1994) Anticipatory Postural Activity During Long-Duration Space Flight.  Proposal submitted to Shuttle-Mir Phase Ia Science Program (funded, direct costs over 3 years - $510,802).

Bloomberg, J.J., Berthoz, A., Layne, C.S., Glasauer, S., McDonald, P.V., Huebner, W.P., Reschke, M.F. (1994) The Effects of Long-Duration Space Flight on Eye, Head and Trunk Coordination During Locomotion.Proposal submitted to Shuttle-Mir Phase Ia Science      Program (funded, direct costs over 3 years - $919,939).

Siconolfi, S.F., Kozlovskaya, I.B., McCarthy, J., Feeback, D., Layne, C.S., Korijak, Y.A.A., Stepantsov, V.J. (1994) Evaluation of Skeletal Muscle Performance and Characteristics. Proposal submitted to Shuttle-Mir Phase Ia Science Program (funded, direct costs over 1 year  $210,933).

Paloski, W.H., Kozlovskaya, I.B., Reschke, M.F., Bloomberg, J.J., Harm, D.L., Layne, C.S., McDonald, P.V., Voronov, A.A., Borisov, M.  (1994) Alterations in Postural Equilibrium Control Associated with Long-Duration
Space Flight.  Proposal submitted to Shuttle-Mir Phase Ia Science Program (funded, direct costs over 3 years - $550,867).

Bloomberg, J.J., Berthoz, A., Layne, C.S., Glasauer, S., McDonald, P.V., Huebner, W.P., Reschke, M.F. (1994) The Effects of Long-Duration Space Flight on Eye, Head and Trunk Coordination During Locomotion. Proposal submitted to Shuttle-Mir Phase Ib Science      Program, NRA 94-OLMSA-01, (funded, direct costs over 3 years, $394,000).

Bloomberg, J.J., *McDonald, P.V., Layne, C.S., Riccio, G.E.  (1994) Environmental Constraints on Postural and Manual Control.  Proposal submitted to Space Physiology and Countermeasures Program in response to NRA 93-OLMSA-07 (funded, direct costs over 3 years     $1,195,623).

Siconolfi, S.F., Kozlovskaya, I.B., McCarthy, J.P.,, Feeback, D., Layne, C.S., Korijak, Y.A.A., Stepantsov, V.J. (1994) Evaluation of Skeletal Muscle Performance and Characteristics. Proposal submitted to Shuttle-Mir Phase Ib Science Program NRA 94-OLMSA-01 (funded, direct costs over 2 years $193,685)

Bloomberg, J.J., Berthoz, A., Layne, C.S., Glasauer, S., McDonald, P.V., Huebner, W.P., Reschke, M.F. (1994) The Effects of Space Flight on Eye, Head and Trunk Coordination During Locomotion.  Proposal submitted  to Space Physiology and Countermeasures Program in  response to NRA 93-OLMSA-07 (funded, direct costs over 3 years - $793,810).

Layne, C.S., Bloomberg, J.J., Feeback, D.M., & McDonald, P.V. (1992) The Impact of Space Flight on Anticipatory  Neuromuscular Postural Activation.  (funded, NASA grant # - NAS9- 18492-1210-J33, direct costs over 3 years $750,241).

Layne, C.S.  (1992) Kansas Space Grant Consortium NASA Fellowship - Scholarship of $5,000, (supporting Kinesiology  graduate student Ms. Amy Reed, Kansas State University).

Layne, C.S.  (1992) BioServe Space Technologies, $2,000, plus KC-135 parabolic flight time.Layne, C.S.  (1991) NASA Summer Faculty Fellowship, $10,000.

Layne, C.S.  Kansas Space Grant Consortium NASA Fellowship - Scholarship of $5,000, 1992, (supporting Electrical
Engineering graduate student Ms. Shari Schroeder, Kansas State University).

Layne, C.S.  (1991-1994) Kansas Space Grant Consortium, NASA, $7,000 per year for four years.

Layne, C.S.  (1990) Underlying Strategies of Lateral Postural Control, (NASA Grant #NAG9-471) $15,000.

Layne, C.S.  (1990) NASA Equipment Grant supporting "Underlying Strategies of Lateral Postural Control" project,

Layne, C.S.  (1990) NASA Summer Faculty Fellowship, $10,000.

Layne, C.S.  (1990) BioServe Space Technologies, $2,500, plus KC-135 parabolic flight time ($8,000).

Layne, C.S. and Kubitz, K.  (1990)  Frequency Analysis of Human EMG Obtained in Microgravity.  Kansas State
University Faculty Development Program, $2,142.

Layne, C.S.  (1989) College of Arts and Sciences Faculty Development Program, Kansas State University, $5,000.

Layne, C.S.  (1989) BioServe Space Technologies, $1,250 plus KC-135 parabolic flight time ($8,000).

Layne, C.S.  (1989) College of Arts and Science Summer Faculty Development Grant, Kansas State University, $3,000.

Layne, C.S.  (1989) Bureau of General Revenue Grant Program, Kansas State University, $1,000.

Layne, C.S.  (1989) Comparison of Spectral Analysis of Human EMG Obtained in Microgravity and During Bedrest
submitted to American Heart Association, Kansas Affiliate (approved, not funded, $20,000).

Layne, C.S.  (1988) Kansas State University Faculty Development Grant Program, $500.

*Denotes Principle Investigator