PEP 6305 Measurement in Health & Physical Education


Topic 10: Repeated Measures

Section 10.2


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Repeated Measures ANOVA in R Commander


n   Vincent demonstrates the raw score method to calculate F for repeated measures ANOVA.

¨  We will not review the raw score method because you will probably (hopefully) never calculate ANOVA by hand.

¨  You can also compute the F value by entering the data into the formulas shown in the previous section, as we reviewed with simple ANOVA.

¨  We will review how to do repeated measures ANOVA in R Commander. Use R Commander to complete the assignment and exam.

n   The null hypothesis is that the means of all of the measures are equivalent. What is the research hypothesis?

n   As an example, we'll use the data shown in textbook Table 12.1:

n   Computer output for repeated measures ANOVA can be used to make an ANOVA table that shows all of the sources of variation:

n   For the data in Table 12.1, the ANOVA table is:

     Let's see how to make this table using the output from R Commander.

n   R Commander 

¨  Download the 'Table12.1' data file from Blackboard, or ight-click and "Save target as..." to download and save the dataset Table12.1 to your computer. Open R Commander and load the Table12.1 dataset. Click on the 'View data set' button to see the data layout.


¨  Notice that the data are entered so that each subject has multiple rows, one row for each repeated measure. The column labeled 'subject' has the subject number. The second column labeled 'minute' has the measure name or number. In this example, the data were collected at minutes 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15. The third column has the score for the particular subject and measure.  This data set-up is different from a non-repeated measures study: it's important to set the data up correctly for the analysis you're doing when entering your own data. For repeated measures in R Commander using the below method, you need multiple rows per subject (one row for each measure. (this is not always true in other statistical programs, so you need to check how to enter the data for repeated measures if you use a different program)

¨  Load the ez package in R Commander.  

¨  Here is the command you'll type in the R Commander Script Window to do the ANOVA described above:

      ezANOVA(data=Table12.1, dv=.(score), wid=.(subject), within=.(minute), detailed=TRUE) 

¨  What does all of that mean? As before, ezANOVA is the name of the program, and the rest in the parantheses is the program input/information that the program needs to run the analysis. The ezANOVA program needs the following information for one-way repeated measures (within-subjects) ANOVA:   

¨  data=Table12.1 tells the program to use the Table12.1 dataset.  

¨ dv=.(score) tells the program that the dependent variable (dv) is the variable called 'score'.

¨  wid=.(subject) tells the program which variable (subject) identifies the subjects.

¨ within=.(minute) tells the program which variable (minute) identifies the index for the repeated measures; measure is a within-subjects factor because each subject was measured multiple times.   

¨ detailed=TRUE tells the program to print out a little more information than the default output, including the SS values.  

¨  Once you've typed in the command shown above, click the Submit button to the lower right of the Script Window, and you should see some Output:


n   All of the information needed to create the ANOVA table above is present in this output. The SS value for the "Intercept" effect denominator (SSd) is what is labeled "Between Subjects" SS in the above table. The SS value for the "minute" effect numerator (SSn) is the "Between Measures" SS in the above table, and the minute effect SSd is the "Error" SS in the above table. The MS values for the table can be computed by dividing each SS by its respective df, and the F values by dividing the appropriate MS values.

n   Post hoc tests are performed only after the ANOVA F test indicates that significant differences exist among the measures.

¨  If the F test is not significant, post hoc tests are inappropriate.   

¨  To see a plot of the means for each minute, type (or copy and paste) the following text into the R Commander Script window and click Submit:  

ezPlot(data=Table12.1, dv=.(score), wid=.(subject), within=.(minute), x=.(minute), levels=list(minute=(list(new_order=c('min3','min6','min9','min12','min15')))))


Post Hoc Tests


n   Similar to simple ANOVA, post hoc statistical tests can be done to identify which measures differ from one another.

n   Post hoc tests are performed only after the ANOVA F test indicates that significant differences exist among the measures.

¨  If the F test is not significant, post hoc tests are inappropriate.

n   The Scheffé interval and Tukey HSD, discussed in Topic 9, can be used to compare and interpret differences among the repeated measures in the same way as comparing groups in simple ANOVA.

¨  Substitute the number of repeated measures instead of the number of groups, and n has the same value for all measures (i.e., the total N).



Scheffé Interval



Tukey HSD



Adjustments for Violations of Sphericity


n   The text presents two methods to use if there is evidence that sphericity may not be present.

¨  Violation of the sphericity assumption increases the type I error probability.

¨  The two methods include adjustments to ensure that the type I error probability is maintained at the specified level.

¨  Both methods adjust the df of the measures MS and the df of the error/residual MS to accomplish the correction.  

n   The Greenhouse-Geisser adjustment is simple, but over-corrects in many instances, thus making the type I error probability too small.

n   The Huynh-Feldt adjustment is a more moderate adjustment.

n   These adjustments are only relevant if the unadjusted F value is statistically significant, because the adjustments always increase the p value—if it is already >0.05, then increasing it would not change your decision (which is to not reject the null hypothesis).

n   The computation of these adjustments requires computing all of the variances and covariances for the residuals, so we will not review them here.

n   Most advanced statistics programs automatically include these adjustments in their repeated measures output.

     In the R Commander output, you can find the result of Mauchly's test for sphericity (if p<0.05 for Mauchly's test, then the assumption is likely violated), and the Greenhouse-Geisser (GG) and Huynh-Feldt (HF) adjusted p-values for the repeated effect. NOTE: these corrections are only printed and only needed when there are at least 3 repeated measures; there is no way to violate sphericity with only two measures.


Formative Evaluation


n   Use R Commander to work the two problems at the end of the chapter (you don't have to do the post hoc tests, parts f and g of Problem 1).


You have reached the end of Topic 10.

Make sure to work through the Formative Evaluation above and the textbook problems (end of the chapter). (remember how to enter data into R Commander?)

You must complete the review quiz (in the Quizzes folder on the WebCT course home page) before you can advance to the next topic.