Using SPSS, create a
simple frequency distribution using your
SPSS data file. Double-click the file to start SPSS and open your data file.
Under the Analyze menu, select Descriptive Statistics>Frequencies…

Select the variable age from the left box and click the arrow to
move it to the Variable(s) box on the right.

Click Format… and in the left column (Order by) choose Descending
values. Click Continue.

Click OK.
An output file opens and the simple frequency distribution is
displayed, something looking like this:

The values of the variable (age) are listed in the left column.
The second column (frequency) contains the number of subjects with each value.
The other columns tell you the percent of people with each value, as well as the
cumulative percent moving from the top down (e.g., 48.9% of the subjects have an
age of 47 or less in this example).