PEP 6305 Measurement in Health & Physical Education


Topic 14: Measuring Physical Fitness

Section 14.3


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Measuring physical fitness in children


Over the years, youth physical fitness assessments have changed from a sport-related test battery to a health-related fitness battery. There are several good test batteries available today to test children of all ages. In this module, we will discuss the FITNESSGRAM and the President’s Challenge fitness test.


We highlight the FITNESSGRAM test battery because it is currently being used in Texas public schools to test children. The FITNESSGRAM includes criterion-referenced standards for pass/fail called the “Healthy Fitness Zone”. The test items measure the following components of physical fitness:

1.    Aerobic Capacity

a.    PACER (recommended test) [See PACER description]

b.    1-mile run

c.    Walk test

2.    Body Composition

a.    Skinfold test (recommended test) – triceps and calf sites

b.    Body Mass Index (BMI)

3.    Muscular Strength and Endurance

a.    Curl up (recommended)

b.    Trunk lift (recommended)

c.    Push-up (recommended)

d.    Modified pull-up

e.    Flexed arm hang

4.    Flexibility

a.    Back-saver sit and reach

b.    Shoulder stretch


A short description of each test is found in the course handout along with the Healthy Fitness Zone standards for both boys and girls.


The President’s Challenge is sponsored by the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports. There are many similarities between the President’s Challenge and FITNESSGRAM, as they are both based on the latest research. The President’s Challenge has an excellent website that can be accessed at The President’s Challenge Fitness test items measure:

1.    Aerobic Capacity

a.    1-mile run (10-17 year olds)

b.    ½-mile run (8-9 year olds)

c.    ¼-mile run (6-7 year olds)

2.    Muscular Strength, Endurance, and Flexibility

a.    Partial curl ups (recommended)

b.    Curl ups

c.    Right angle push-ups (recommended)

d.    Pull-ups

e.    Flexed arm hang (cannot be used for a Presidential Physical Fitness Award)

f.     V-sit reach

g.    Sit-and-reach

3.    Agility: Shuttle Run


For each test item included in The President’s Challenge, a normative standard is used to compare students. The standards are included in an excel spreadsheet for each activity by age and gender. There are three award categories to recognize student excellence:

·         Presidential Physical Fitness Award – To earn this award, students must score at or above the 85th percentile on all five activities.

·         National Physical Fitness Award – Students earn this award for scoring above the 50th percentile on all five activities.

·         Participant Physical Fitness Award – Students earn this award if they participate in all five activities, but one or more of their scores fall below the 50th percentile.



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