Sir Andrew Fielding Huxley

Sir Andrew Fielding Huxley was born in Hampstead, England in 1917. The English physiologist was the co-winner (with Sir Alan Hodgkin and Sir John Carew Eccles) of the 1963 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine. His research centered on nerve and muscle fibres. He received a knighthood in 1974.

Huxley and Hodgkin's researches were concerned largely with the physicochemical analysis of the fundamental phenomena involved in the excitation in a peripheral nerve fibre and in conduction of excitation along it. Apart from the researches directly mentioned in the Nobel citation, Huxley made contributions of fundamental importance to knowledge of the process of contraction by a muscle fibre. He published many important papers in periodicals, particularly in the Journal of Physiology. His Sherrington Lectures were published as Reflections on Muscle (1980).