Is the title "excitingly" descriptive?
Is the issue clearly introduced? Is the issue's importance clear?
Is the approach to the issue clear (i.e. are the methods appropriate)?
Are the anticipated results of the project clear and are they logically related to the stated issue?
After reading the abstract are you "excited" about reading the rest of the proposal?
Is the issue clearly introduced? Is the issue's importance clear? Do the sentences around the issue support the issue's claim of importance?
Are the specific aims and hypotheses well written? Are they clearly related to the issue? Are the specific aims and hypotheses logically related?
Does the background information convincingly build an argument that the issue is important and the agency "needs" to fund the project?
Are the methods/protocol appropriate for the proposed work? Does the author adequately represent that he/she can actually accomplish the proposed work?
Is the protection of human or animal subjects adequately addressed?
Is the statistical design appropriate to evaluate the question or accomplish the stated goals?
Are the expected outcomes logically tied to the specific aims and hypothesis?
Adequate descriptions, skills clearly related to proposed work.
Is there a statement concerning expected outcomes/results. What is the value of the project to the funding agency?
Overall Appearance
Is the budget appropriate for the project? Are the items well justified? Does the budget vary across years to reflect the changing needs of the project?
Is the timeline appropriate to complete the project? Are the critical events listed within the timeline?