Suggestions for reading scientific articles*
Read the abstract carefully
Scan the introduction and discussion - try to identify the overall issue and overall conclusions
Reread the article - take notes and attempt to answer the questions below:
Identify the specific questions the authors intend to address Is the work theory based? If so, identify the theory Identify the specific hypotheses and/or objects of the work Try to understand how the authors use the literature to build the logic of their experiment
Identify the experimental task(s) and procedures - Are the tasks logically related to the hypotheses? Identify the independent variables - what parameters are the experimenters manipulating Identify the technology to be used in the experiment Identify the measures obtained with the technology - are the measures logically related to the research questions? Identify the dependent measures
Identify the dominant results Be sure to understand how to read the tables and graphs - identify the axes
Did the summary of the results in the Discussion section match those reported in the Results section? Did they use their results to address the hypotheses - If so, did the results support the hypotheses? Did the authors generalize beyond their own results? Did the results offer support to an underlying theory?
*Use the ones that work for you and ignore the rest