Unit 9





What is EMG

What does it measure

Motor unit recruitment strategies

Needle and surface electrodes

Use of EMG to distinguish between health and unhealthy muscles


EMG demo - required - Material for 1st required quiz obtained from this site.

1st Required QUIZ


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The following material was developed by Friedhelm Sandbrink, MD, Staff, Department of Neurology, Veterans Affairs Medical Center Washington DC and his co-authorEliad Culcea, MD, Assistant Professor, Department of Neurological Sciences, University of Nebraska Medical Center

Motor unit recruitment may be defined as "the successive activation of the same and additional motor units with increasing strength of voluntary muscle contraction." (American Association of Electrodiagnostic Medicine)

The central nervous system can increase the strength of muscle contraction by the following:

  • Increasing the number of active motor units (ie, spatial recruitment)
  • Increasing the firing rate at which individual motor units fire to optimize the summated tension generated (ie, temporal recruitment)

Both mechanisms occur concurrently. The primary mechanism at lower levels of muscle contraction strength is the addition of more motor units, even though this increases the firing rate of the initially recruited motor units. The recruitment of different units takes precedence over increase in firing rate until nearly all motor units are recruited. At this level and beyond, motor units may be driven to fire in their secondary range to rates greater than 50 Hz.

The terms firing rate and firing frequency are used interchangeably.  

Recruitment frequency is the firing frequency of the first motor unit when the second unit just begins to fire regularly. The term "recruitment rate" is used interchangeably.

Recruitment interval is the time difference between 2 motor unit potentials belonging to the first firing motor unit when the second unit first appears. The recruitment interval is the reciprocal of the recruitment frequency.

Most extremity muscles have a recruitment interval of about 90-100 ms, corresponding to a recruitment frequency of about 10-11 Hz. Facial muscles are an exception to this rough guide. MUAPs of facial muscles have shorter recruitment intervals (around 40 ms) and higher recruitment frequencies (about 25 Hz).

As a general rule, motor units are recruited in order of their size. When the muscle is activated initially, the first motor units to fire are small in size and weak in the degree of tension they can generate. Starting with the smallest motor units, progressively larger units are recruited with increasing strength of muscle contraction. The result is an orderly addition of sequentially larger and stronger motor units resulting in a smooth increase in muscle strength.

This orderly recruitment of sequentially larger motor units is referred to as the "Henneman size principle." Recording from the ventral rootlets in cats and measuring the amplitudes of motor axon spikes, Henneman et al concluded that motor axon diameter, conduction velocity and, by further inference, motor neuron cell size all increase with functional threshold (i.e. neural activation threshold).

The 3 main types of motor units, which have different physiologic and staining properties, include the following:

  • Type I or type S (slow) - Slow twitch, fatigue-resistant units with smallest force or twitch tension and slowest contraction; contain oxidative enzymes
  • Type IIa or type FR (fast, resistant) - Fast twitch, fatigue-resistant units with larger forces and faster contraction times; contain oxidative and glycolytic enzymes
  • Type IIb or type FF (fast, fatigable) - Fast twitch, easily fatigable units with largest force and fastest contraction; contain glycolytic enzymes

The recruitment sequence is thought to begin with type I motor units analogous to type S units, to progress to type II units that first include type FR (type IIa), and to end with units analogous to type FF (type IIb), which are active only at relatively high force output.

 In an EMG study, the term "size" of a motor unit usually refers to the amplitude of the motor unit action potential (MUAP).  In rather general terms, the later recruited type II fibers, especially the FF type, have larger diameter muscle fibers generating higher potentials than the smaller, slow twitch type I units. Because of the small uptake area of standard EMG needle electrodes, however, the size of consecutively recruited MUAPs during an EMG study varies considerably.

Damage may occur to the neural portion of a motor unit, anterior horn cell, or corresponding axon. Such injury may result in wallerian degeneration of the motor axon, and all the muscle fibers previously innervated by this axon will be denervated. As a result of such motor unit loss, fewer motor units are available for muscle activation.

Normally, when the first recruited motor unit reaches a firing frequency of 10 Hz, a second unit should begin firing with increasing muscular effort. In a neurogenic condition, this second unit is missing and an increase in force can be achieved only by increasing the firing rate of the first unit (see Image 1). Successful activation of a second motor unit occurs only at a higher level of muscular effort than in the normal condition. The recruitment frequency, defined above as the firing rate of the first motor unit at the point when the second motor unit is activated, is therefore increased in a neurogenic lesion. Such an abnormally fast firing motor unit is called "rapid firing unit" (RFU). Because in such cases fewer MUAPs are active than expected, given the first motor unit firing rate, this pattern is called "decreased recruitment" or "reduced recruitment."

This pattern of decreased recruitment may occur whenever a lesion results in a reduced number of functionally intact motor neurons and axons, whether it is the result of actual motor unit loss or temporary conduction block as in neurapraxia. It is an early finding after acute nerve injury (eg, radiculopathy from disk herniation or nerve trauma) and may precede other evidence of denervation in the EMG study.

In muscle diseases such as polymyositis or muscular dystrophies, muscle fibers are damaged. A number of motor units are unaffected but the muscle fiber content of each motor unit is reduced; therefore, the force output of each unit is diminished. The number of units required to maintain a given force increases in proportion to the inefficiency of the individual motor unit discharge. Compensation occurs by having multiple motor units begin firing simultaneously (see Image 2).

In a myopathy, isolating a single firing motor unit often is impossible. Even with minimal muscular effort, typically 2 or more units may be activated. This recruitment pattern in myopathic conditions is called "early recruitment" or "increased recruitment." The recruitment frequency is decreased.

With increasing effort, the firing frequency of individual motor units increases and progressively more and larger units are activated. In a healthy subject providing maximal voluntary effort of the muscle under investigation, the action potentials of individual motor units no longer can be separated from each other but are mixed with the signals of other units. The recruitment pattern with maximal voluntary contraction is called "interference pattern" because of the increasing degree of superimposition of action potentials from different units. With increasing force, the EMG becomes continuously denser and the maximal peaks in the signal have a higher amplitude.

American Association of Electrodiagnostic Medicine defines the interference pattern as "electric activity recorded from the muscle with a needle electrode during maximal voluntary effort."

During a maximal voluntary muscle contraction of a healthy individual, a "full" or "complete" interference pattern is present. No individual MUAPs can be identified clearly (this is normal). The baseline is obscured completely by motor unit activity.

Incomplete interference pattern may be divided as follows:

An incomplete interference pattern typically signifies a decreased number of MUAPs being activated with maximal effort. This may be suggestive of a neurogenic lesion resulting in a decreased number of functional motor units. It may, however, occur with incomplete effort of muscle contraction, possibly as a result of poor cooperation or pain. In myopathic conditions, the interference pattern is typically complete, even though low-amplitude MUAPs may be noted on the recording of the interference pattern; however, in very advanced stages of muscle disorders, the interference pattern may be incomplete because of marked loss of muscle fibers.

2nd Required QUIZ


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Face animation - fun stuff

Some funky videos - fun stuff

Required reading about EMG standards

Guitar Player - required

Elite athletes and muscle fiber types - required

3rd Required QUIZ


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