6304 Individual Project

Goal - perform a reasonably simple experiment involving movement in which you manipulate an independent variable, collect some kinematic and/or neuromuscular data, analyze the data, make conclusions and develop a written report (with way cool figures).

Subjects - 3-5 humans

Available technologies - 2 force plates that can calculate center of pressure*, 1 goniometer (either ankle, knee or elbow angles) 1 accelerometer, 2 channels of EMG

You must use at least two of these technologies in your project.

Protocol - Your experimental protocol must include the manipulation of a variable that can reasonably be expected to affect your dependent measures. Examples of manipulation of independent variables includes: practice, removal of vision, using different limbs to complete the same task, speed, cognitive parameters, addition of weight to limbs, and basic body configuration (crouching vs. standing). There are obviously many, many more variables you can manipulate. Prior to choosing a topic, be sure to "visit" with me.

Perform only two experimental conditions but include 10 movement trials in each condition.

Lab report

Introduction - Identify the "issue" you are investigating, give your experiement "context". Why is this issue "important"? Be sure to identify the purpose of your experiment. Answer the question of "who cares"? Include 3 references in the introduction. 1.5-2 pages (all double spaced)

Methods - Identify the subjects, what did the subject do, what manipulation did you perform, how did you collect the data, what did you "do" with the data after you collected it? 2-3 pages

Results - Describe what you found - be sure to address all the measures you collected or derived. Develop at least 2 graphs to illustrate your results. You may find using a table helpful to describe the data. Do not let your figures "do all the talking" - be sure to describe your findings. 3-4 pages (depending upon tables and figures)

Discussion - Discuss your results within the context of the issues you addressed in the introduction. Are your results consistent with other studies that have used similar protocols? If not, venture an educated guess as to why not. (Need a break yet? Try this!)Were there limitations to your study? Speculate about what you would have found if you had modified the protocol slightly. Again, come back to the "importance" of your work. Remember, science is like many human endevors in that you are striving to put your "best foot forward". Convince the reader that what you have done is accurate, well thought out and important. 2-3 pages

*strictly entertainment.