Assignment Two - Dance Notation

After reading about Benesh and Labanotation, notate two sequences of movements.

For the Labanotation you are only required to have three (3) leg movements per staff, however sequences 5 and 6 should include arm movements in addition to the three leg movements. In Labanotation you notate from the bottom of the page upwards. Remember that "place" is important in Labanotation.

For the Benesh notation you have 8 staves to complete your sequence. For this assignment indicate position of feet and arm in all 8 staves. Staves 7 and 8 should indicate that the arms have moved from the anatomical position. In Benesh notation you notate from left to right.

You will be asked to demonstrate the movements you have sequenced in class. I did not find this notation stuff to be all that intuitive so do not wait until Sunday begin this assignment. Please do your best not to just copy the movements that are provided as examples in your readings. Do not worry about performing your movement in time with any music - in other words your movement sequences do not need to be perform with any rhythm - every movement can be made to whole notes for all I care.

Bring copies of your "dance" notations to class so your classmates can evaluate your notation as you perform.

A professional dancer is scheduled to speak to our class this Tuesday so we may pick one or two of your "dances" and ask her to perform them site unseen - thus, make your notations readable.

Dancing fools!