Assignment One - Qualitative Analysis

1. After reading the handout Preparation: The First Task of Qualitative Analysis,(pages 67-76) perform an qualitative analysis of the movements depicted on handouts Figures 9.3 and 9.12. What is the person doing well? What features of the movement could use some correcting? Be sure to identify where the movement falls on the hierarchy presented in Figure 5.2 (page 71) and what you perceive to be the critical features necessary for optimal performance of the two skills. What "rationales" may be appropriate to consider for these two skills?

2. Choose three (3) movements from any of the sites listed below (blinking red things) and to the best of your ability describe these movements in anatomical terms. For instance if some one is performing a deep knee bend, do not say "person bends at the knees with their arms cross in front of them." Instead use terms such as flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, etc. Describe each motion as fully as possible such that when you pass out your descriptions to the class they will be able to determine what movements you have evaluated. Most of these sites contain early films of animal, insects and human movement. Please select human movements to decribe and please limit your descriptions of the movements to those actions necessary to identify the overall movement. Some of the links require Real Player which can be freely downloaded (check your Sites of Interest page and access the Program information and downloads).

If you select the first blinking light it will take you to a site that has clips of 19 different movements. From that page you can select the Home link which will take you to another site which has additional clips of various type of movement. Those links are along the left side of the page.

Be sure that you record the URLs of the movements you evaluate. After you describe your movements to the class we will go to the appropriate webpages and view the movements.